- Lei
- 3003007MXJGW8618TN73
- Legal Form
- nv
- Registered Address
- 14F-3, No. 2, Ln. 150, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11059, Taiwan, Province of China
- Headquarter Address
- 14F-3, No. 2, Ln. 150, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11059
- Legal Jurisdiction
- TW
- Inferred Jurisdiction
- Taiwan, Province of China
- Transliterated Registered Name
- Xin Chuang Guo Ji Tou Zi Gu Fen You Xian Gong Si
- Other Names
- Syntera International Investment Inc. (Alternative Language Legal Name, En)
- Business Registry Name
- RA000551
- Business Registry Identifier
- 24977866
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) details
- Registered By
- 52990034RLKT0WSOAM90
- Assignment Date
- 2017-11-24 01:09:46 UTC
- Record Last Update
- 2024-12-16 11:02:41 UTC
- Next Renewal Date
- 2026-01-13 01:09:46 UTC
- Status Code
Imported from gleif on
December 18 2024, 7.55AM