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- Korea, Republic of 10 entities
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- Korea Securities Depository 10 entities
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Found 10 LEIs registered with Korea Securities Depository
- AIP US RED 전문투자형 사모부동산투자신탁 10호 LAPSED ACTIVE 988400QXJPR2RY44NG70
- 에셋플러스글로벌리치투게더증권 모투자신탁(주식) ISSUED ACTIVE 98840024K9N79A7MGG51
- 유리글로벌거래소전문투자형사모증권투자신탁제1호[주식]_운용 LAPSED ACTIVE 988400MZ6A82N50KA833
- 유리글로벌거래소증권모투자신탁[주식] LAPSED ACTIVE 988400CNVQJLP8O3BQ62
- 유리글로벌천연가스사모증권투자신탁1호[파생결합증권-파생형] RETIRED INACTIVE 9884003FXA80JNBHEA92
- 유리글로벌천연가스사모특별자산투자신탁2호[천연가스-재간접] LAPSED ACTIVE 988400G23J1B0DTKO745
- 유리글로벌천연가스사모특별자산투자신탁3호[천연가스-재간접] LAPSED ACTIVE 988400A95EPDJFGZ7073
- 유리글로벌천연가스사모특별자산투자신탁5호[천연가스-재간접] LAPSED ACTIVE 988400S20QVBE8SD1652
- 유리글로벌천연가스사모특별자산투자신탁6호[천연가스-재간접] LAPSED ACTIVE 988400APBT57BAOGTT23
- 유리글로벌천연가스증권모투자신탁[파생결합증권-파생형] LAPSED ACTIVE 988400GGCN70XMDS0Q52