- Filter by
- Estonia 2 entities
- Finland 45,581 entities
- Germany 5 entities
- Latvia 1 entities
- Luxembourg 1 entities
- Monaco 1 entities
- Netherlands 2 entities
- Norway 2 entities
- South Africa 1 entities
- Spain 2 entities
- Sweden 14 entities
- Switzerland 1 entities
- Thailand 1 entities
- US 2 entities
- United Kingdom 3 entities
Patentti-ja Rekisterihallit... ×
- Patentti-ja Rekisterihallitus (Finnish Patent and Registration Office) 45,619 entities
Legal Form
- Ab 1 entities
- Association based on special legislation 36 entities
- Bankrupt´s estate 11 entities
- Business partnership 3 entities
- COMPANY 2 entities
- Chamber of commerce 12 entities
- Collective forest 10 entities
- Company pension fund 35 entities
- Congregation/Local community 10 entities
- Cooperative 85 entities
- Cooperative bank 214 entities
- Corporation 1 entities
- Death estate 7 entities
- Foreign organisation 3 entities
- Forest management association 1 entities
- Foundation 1,316 entities
- Government and its bureaus 9 entities
- Government business with separate administration 2 entities
- Hallitus ja sen toimistot 1 entities
- Housing corporation 335 entities
- Industry-wide pension fund 9 entities
- Insurance association 3 entities
- Insurance company 17 entities
- Insurance fund 43 entities
- Joint interest groups 25 entities
- Joint municipal authority 48 entities
- Kommandiittiyhtiö 1 entities
- Kommandiittiyhtiö (Ky) 1 entities
- Limited 5 entities
- Limited Company 17 entities
- Limited Liability Company 2 entities
- Limited company 20,642 entities
- Limited liability company 2 entities
- Limited partnership 442 entities
- Lutheran Church 120 entities
- Mortgage society 1 entities
- Municipality 203 entities
- Mutual insurance company 32 entities
- Mutual real estate limited company 6 entities
- N/A 1 entities
- Non-profit association 1,565 entities
- OSAKEYHTIO 79 entities
- OTHER 4 entities
- Orthodox Church 9 entities
- Osakeyhtiö 6 entities
- Osakeyhtiö (Oy) 17 entities
- Other association 9 entities
- Other foundation 76 entities
- Other juridical person under public law 18 entities
- Partnership 157 entities
- Private person carrying on trade 80 entities
- Province of Åland and its departments 2 entities
- Public business 2 entities
- Public limited company 213 entities
- RY 5 entities
- Religious community 7 entities
- Savings bank 19 entities
- Student union or student club 19 entities
- Säätiö (rs) 1 entities
- Taxable grouping 18 entities
- Unemployment fund 28 entities
- limited company 1 entities
- rekisteröity yhdistys (ry) 3 entities
- sijoitusrahasto 206 entities
Found 45,619 LEIs registered with Patentti-ja Rekisterihallitus (Finnish Patent and Registration Office)
- 014-Kuljetus Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700MUXVDGO2P0HT64
- 020202 Palvelut Oy RETIRED INACTIVE 7437003SHKPTPX2Q2947
- 1-Edistäjä Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700K0BEHQ7NUHRJ64
- 1-bit-wonder oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700TPAT7OLYBHE830
- 100 Solutions Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700JQ00AJ7T1JI263
- 100-Fortune Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700KY8ZAZ53A1HS63
- 100-Ilmastointi Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700HV8ILS3OAIJL54
- 1001 Lakes Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700GDFOF0L1G1XO81
- 101 Investments Oy LAPSED ACTIVE 743700AO1RI5AHV93684
- 108 Solutions Oy LAPSED ACTIVE 743700NEEST9FZPX1694
- 10M Diamond Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700ZLJ0M7YXP3HA17
- 10tons Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 74370052W2DKF8KJE789
- 1298 Aku Niemi Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 7437005YYA3C36LZ0X66
- 1325 OP Kiukkonen Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 74370036K6VGLOUCX753
- 17 Invest and Consulting Oy LAPSED ACTIVE 743700ENV4108QAHU086
- 1P Holding Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700V3LON8WAVTEH21
- 1STOP Group Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700NVI85S1M7YB297
- 1st Day osk LAPSED ACTIVE 743700S2C402YEHVUN06
- 1st Dime Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700ZND8XF8JRSTH91
- 2 Com Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 7437008HCLSPS7V82453
- 2 Last Stand Oy LAPSED ACTIVE 7437008UERCI86S05G38
- 21-15-9 Holding Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700RJWMBQ46VYXA18
- 247 Satakunnan Turvapalvelut Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 7437005553HPQT4LI990
- 24Accounting Group Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700QKZ6RP29O2ME21
- 24games Oy LAPSED ACTIVE 743700WNFL2IB4O8AM96
- 28-Palvelut Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700R4AKZY3ODHC522
- 2A Holding Oy ISSUED ACTIVE 743700BY0XZIEIZE4Z94
- 2Care Capital Ab RETIRED INACTIVE 743700WP9PBYMOU4GN08
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