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Switzerland ×
- Switzerland 19 entities
5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12 ×
- 5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12 19 entities
- OTHER 19 entities
Found 19 LEIs in Switzerland registered with
- Anlagestiftung Swiss Life - Aktien Ausland Protect RETIRED INACTIVE 5493009CH5U7IN4LEI63
- Briarhill Trust LAPSED ACTIVE 549300CRYQ36ANJJNL88
- Swiss Life Funds (CH) - Bond Opportunity 2018 (CHF hedged) RETIRED INACTIVE 54930017UP6D43U1FW02
- Swiss Life Funds (CH) Bond Swiss Francs ISSUED ACTIVE 549300IF5CAZRLQH2K25
- Swiss Life REF (CH) ESG Swiss Properties ISSUED ACTIVE 549300ERSTPSZ6R8TI83
- The Anderson Trust ISSUED ACTIVE 549300AFM2FD122OJC86
- The BH 1987 Settlement: Lisa's Fund ISSUED ACTIVE 549300RX65SU272HFH31
- The BH 1988 Settlement: Jason's Fund ISSUED ACTIVE 549300RCHFZN376A5E02
- The BH 1988 Settlement: Lisa's Fund ISSUED ACTIVE 549300ETB7SL4GF16020
- The Cengarle Trust LAPSED ACTIVE 549300Z2YMQHPCUZ2N78
- The Colonel Trust ISSUED ACTIVE 5493000P480IUQJSJ581
- The Gachoud Family Trust ISSUED ACTIVE 5493007FQ7STYUVPWM67
- The MH Trust ISSUED ACTIVE 549300PU7E3E1LK3M306
- The Orie Trust ISSUED ACTIVE 549300RPQ7GVUP7S2813
- The SH Trust ISSUED ACTIVE 549300W43U1H8CZKX418
- The Samsara (No 3) Trust LAPSED ACTIVE 549300IJH2H25YI14E67
- The Sarsim Trust LAPSED ACTIVE 549300AMW3FGW7HTDN04
- The Sota Trust LAPSED ACTIVE 549300QU3OU5Y3BUZ361
- The Waterloo Trust ISSUED ACTIVE 549300OB5K80WYZKHC31