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Ireland ×
- Ireland 13 entities
529900T8BM49AURSDO55 ×
- 529900T8BM49AURSDO55 13 entities
Charity ×
- Charity 13 entities
Found 13 LEIs in Ireland registered with
- Carmelite Monastery of the Nativity Knock- County Mayo ISSUED ACTIVE 635400QXXLXLNESYHW40
- Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy South Central Province LAPSED ACTIVE 635400231YJAGSOHR620
- Dublin City University ISSUED ACTIVE 9845006E60VAB4B50B70
- Dublin Hebrew Congregation LAPSED ACTIVE 984500014C3F8FDD0A96
- Grantstown Trust. ISSUED ACTIVE 635400PKUCAPCEUIBQ74
- Holy Faith Sisters-Generalate. ISSUED ACTIVE 635400YKCT6ITBEJEB98
- Mary Immaculate College - Limerick ISSUED ACTIVE 63540092ACAQ4KEPJK45
- Maryfield College LAPSED ACTIVE 98450069S0AF15Y2B754
- Order Of Discalced Carmelites -Anglo Irish Province ISSUED ACTIVE 635400EVO6BCZ7ZBBH88
- Saint Clare's Generalate - Harolds Cross ISSUED ACTIVE 635400NQ1BAH5UDT5D57
- St. Finnian's Trust The Charity LAPSED ACTIVE 635400Y2HWPV7VN8IZ82
- Synod of Munster Widows and Orphans Fund. ISSUED ACTIVE 635400F3ZO2MFIGA5C47
- The John O'Shea Trust ISSUED ACTIVE 98450005CA55F254D192