- Lei
- 89450044VP4MIM2BN830
- Legal Form
- Company Limited by Shares
- Registered Address
- P.O. BOX 666, 007 EMILY HOUSE, 1105 LEEWARD HIGHWAY, Providenciales TKCA 1ZZ, Turks and Caicos Islands
- Headquarter Address
- P.O. BOX 666, 007 EMILY HOUSE, 1105 LEEWARD HIGHWAY, Providenciales TKCA 1ZZ
- Legal Jurisdiction
- TC
- Inferred Jurisdiction
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Business Registry Name
- RA000563
- Business Registry Identifier
- TC051230
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) details
- Registered By
- 529900T8BM49AURSDO55
- Assignment Date
- 2022-12-31 14:16:19 UTC
- Record Last Update
- 2024-01-16 20:04:30 UTC
- Next Renewal Date
- 2025-01-16 20:04:36 UTC
- Status Code
Imported from gleif on
December 22 2024, 11.04AM