ג. הירש ניהול פיננסי בע"מ
- Lei
- 549300BG0JEY1LGO4N15
- Legal Form
- Registered Address
- The Illuminator, 4, 4, Ramat Gan, IL-M 5265104, Israel
- Headquarter Address
- The Illuminator, 4, Ramat Gan, IL-M 5265104
- Legal Jurisdiction
- IL
- Inferred Jurisdiction
- Israel
- Transliterated Registered Name
- g. hyrsh nyhvl pynnsy b`"m
- Business Registry Name
- RA000406
- Business Registry Identifier
- 515184901
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ג. הירש ניהול פיננסי בע"מ
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) details
- Registered By
- 5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12
- Assignment Date
- 2020-06-26 21:29:00 UTC
- Record Last Update
- 2024-09-16 15:00:14 UTC
- Next Renewal Date
- 2025-05-23 07:53:14 UTC
- Status Code
Imported from gleif on
December 18 2024, 3.49PM