Fondo Voluntario B en Colones del BAC San José Pensiones Operadora de Planes de Pensiones Complementarias Sociedad Anónima
- Lei
- 254900AQFCUDFGOD0J18
- Legal Form
- Trust
- Registered Address
- Central Avenue, Streets 3 and 5, San Jose, CR-SJ 10101, Costa Rica
- Headquarter Address
- Central Avenue, Streets 3 and 5, San Jose, CR-SJ 10101
- Legal Jurisdiction
- CR
- Inferred Jurisdiction
- Costa Rica
- Transliterated Registered Name
- Fondo Voluntario B en Colones del BAC San Jose Pensiones Operadora de Planes de Pensiones Complementarias Sociedad Anonima
- Other Names
- BAC.OPC.FBC(BA) (Trading Or Operating Name, Es), BAC OPC Fondo B Colones (Trading Or Operating Name, Es)
- Business Registry Name
- RA000154
- Business Registry Identifier
- 3-110-715253
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) details
- Registered By
- 5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12
- Assignment Date
- 2021-06-28 13:11:21 UTC
- Record Last Update
- 2024-09-13 16:16:27 UTC
- Next Renewal Date
- 2024-07-26 19:33:40 UTC
- Status Code
Imported from gleif on
December 18 2024, 1.23PM