A P 企業(澳門)離岸商業服務有限公司
- Lei
- 25490004OHFGABAH6M61
- Legal Form
- Corporation
- Registered Address
- Avenida Doutor Mario Soares, s/n,, Edificio Finance and IT Center of Macau,, 10 andar K2, em Macau, China , Macao
- Headquarter Address
- Avenida Doutor Mario Soares, s/n,, Edificio Finance and IT Center of Macau,, 10 andar K2, em Macau, China
- Legal Jurisdiction
- MO
- Inferred Jurisdiction
- Macao
- Transliterated Registered Name
- A P Qi Ye (Ao Men )Li An Shang Ye Fu Wu You Xian Gong Si
- Other Names
- A P Enterprises (Macao) Commercial Offshore Ltd (Preferred Ascii Transliterated Legal)
- Business Registry Name
- RA888888
- Business Registry Identifier
- 15598 SO
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) details
- Registered By
- 5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12
- Assignment Date
- 2017-09-19 08:58:52 UTC
- Record Last Update
- 2024-09-12 21:22:36 UTC
- Next Renewal Date
- 2019-08-22 12:28:49 UTC
- Status Code
Imported from gleif on
December 22 2024, 1.32PM